
辛宝Otto 的玄酒清谈

北漂前端程序员儿 / 探索新事物 / Web Worker 主播之一/内向话痨

12-Express syntax.fm 659 OG Image


Listening Method#

AI Summary Trial#

Here is a summary of the podcast highlights:

  • OG images are Open Graph images used for social media previews when sharing a link. They are defined using meta tags with attributes like "OG".
  • There are different methods for dynamically generating OG images, including using libraries like Satori/Vercel OG and Cloudinary, or programmatically taking screenshots with Puppeteer or Playwright.
  • Satori allows generating images from React components, but has limitations in CSS support. Cloudinary involves assembling images using commands in the URL, which can be complex.
  • Taking screenshots of dynamically generated pages with Puppeteer or Playwright is a simple method that allows full CSS control, but requires rendering the page first.
  • Factors to consider include support for custom fonts, layout handling, borders, rendering performance, and image storage/caching.
  • The examples discussed generating images for blog posts, videos, podcasts, etc., and can include dynamic data like author photos, text, and dates.

In summary, the podcast discusses what OG images are, different techniques for dynamically generating them such as Satori, Cloudinary, and headless browsers, and the trade-offs of each approach.

Content Introduction#

The topic of this episode is: og image

Original Syntax.fm link: https://syntax.fm/show/659/og-image-options

Basic Concepts#

The Open Graph protocol was introduced by Facebook in 2010 to make links on social media more expressive and display social website metadata. It allows for preview images and is important for SEO.

There are many types of OG: xxx, such as articles, videos, photos, etc. Different websites have different requirements for image ratios, which can be strange.

Creation and Validation#

How to test the display effect of OG tags on different websites, in other words, how to test the effect?

There are software and tools available to test OG, such as Polypane, which is a convenient service.

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There are also official debuggers for Twitter and Facebook:

These links may come in handy.

If the article is updated, the information needs to be updated as well. There are places to manually refresh the cache and fetch it again.

Exploring Dynamic SVG and Puppeteer Solutions#

There are many solutions available to help you generate OG images dynamically:

Knowledge Point Guide#

og image
A more formal website introducing the Open Graph protocol is ogp.me.

The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. For instance, this is used on Facebook to allow any web page to have the same functionality as any other object on Facebook. While there are several different technologies and protocols that can be used, and can be combined in various ways, we focus on one— the one that will provide the most coverage and capabilities. One of our main goals is simplicity for developers. The Open Graph protocol builds on these existing technologies and gives developers one thing to implement. Developer simplicity is a key goal of the Open Graph protocol, which has informed many of the technical design decisions.

Additional articles and links:

Yoast SEO is one of the plugins for WordPress that allows content creators to add meta tags, including titles and descriptions, to their posts. These tags are displayed in Google search results and broadcast the content of the page to potential readers.

Yoast SEO also allows you to add OG images to any post on WordPress. However, you need to upgrade to a business account to access this feature.

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Canva API settings, developer documentation

Yoast SEO is one of the plugins for WordPress that allows content creators to add meta tags, including titles and descriptions, to their posts. These tags are displayed in Google search results and broadcast the content of the page to potential readers.

Yoast SEO also allows you to add OG images to any post on WordPress. However, you need to upgrade to a business account to access this feature.

Additional Information#

Based on the original tags, we have constructed the following Open Graph properties:

og"咿呀 能跑就行" is Xinbao Otto's personal solo podcast and blog, focusing on life, workplace, and frontend learning.
Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.