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Turso LibSQL Documentation Quick Guide

Turso LibSQL Documentation Quick Start

Basic Usage#

Refer to https://docs.turso.tech/quickstart#select-all-rows-from-table for the quick start documentation.

  • Install turso cli
  • Log in, register turso
  • Create a database
  • Show database status
  • Enter database shell
  • Write SQL to create table, insert data, query data - this part will be completed later using drizzle
  • Copy the database to another region locations

It's relatively simple to use, and there are two options for connecting to the database in subsequent business: sdk and http connection.

  • Get the db's url
  • Get the jwt's token
  • Install @libsql/client
  • Create a client based on createClient
  • Client executes sql

Based on drizzle ORM#


  • [[Drizzle ORM Documentation Quick Start]]
  • [[01-Understanding Exploring sqlite and Cloudflare D1]]
  • [[node + sqlite]]
  • [[better-sqlite3]]

Drizzle has first-class support for sqlite, and even AstroDB is wrapped based on drizzle.


  • Install drizzle-orm and @libsql/client dependencies
  • Install drizzle-kit as a development dependency for generating sql and migration sql development operations
    • drizzle-kit generate to generate
    • drizzle-kit migrate to migrate
    • drizzle-kit studio to view on the page
  • Get the db's uri and jwt token
  • Create db/schema.ts to export table definitions
  • Configure drizzle.config.ts to set schema location, driver, connection parameters
  • Use libsql to create a client instance, wrapped with drizzle
  • If the schema is modified, generate sql and migrate the database
  • Use studio to view data

The documentation also mentions that you can use sentry to capture slow sql queries and sql errors.

Based on http Method#

libsql remote protocol

  • Get the db's url and token
  • Complete the /v2/pipeline based on the http url
  • Prepare the json payload parameters, execute and close
  • Use post to send and query results
  • During the sending process, parameter indexing and naming were mentioned

Why close? If not closed, it can still be continued based on ctx within 10s.

This method is based on http and is a unique connection solution that can easily connect in any scenario, which is quite interesting.

Keyword Explanation#

  • sqlite is the db itself
  • turso is the encapsulation of the entire solution

Docker Self-hosting#

The following can achieve an unauthenticated scheme to intercept the hosted libsql-server, but for jwt authentication, further investigation is needed.

Documentation address

Using this on an M1 chip Apple

docker run --name some-sqld  -p 8080:8080 -ti \
    -e SQLD_NODE=primary \
    --platform linux/amd64 \

Data Persistence

Environment variables

  • sqld_node=primary/replica/standalone
  • Data volume -v sqld-data:/var/lib/sqld
  • db location, essentially still sqlite, SQLD_DB_PATH=iku.db
  • Remote jwt authorization sqld_auth_jwt_key_file pass a key.pem private key,
    • You can also use SQLD_AUTH_JWT_KEY to directly pass a string

What does jwt look like? Hope to connect and operate via http in the future.

  "requests": [
    { "type": "execute", "stmt": { "sql": "SELECT * FROM users" } },
    { "type": "close" }

Hosted Service Quick Code#

# Show url
turso db show my-db --http-url

# token
turso db tokens create my-db

Refer to https://www.json.cn/jwt/

// header
  "alg": "EdDSA",
  "typ": "JWT"

// payload
  "iat": 1726756735,
  "id": "81220406-4854-4d4b-817e-61f4a092cdc4"
Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.