
辛宝Otto 的玄酒清谈

北漂前端程序员儿 / 探索新事物 / Web Worker 主播之一/内向话痨

Recently looking for a new rental property

Recently looking for a new rental place

Talking about being a "Beipiao" for many years, recently considering changing rental places. Recording my feelings.


As a married programmer in Beijing, although I have been working for many years, I haven't earned much money, and my family background is not abundant, so buying a house in Beijing is just a thought in my mind. I envy friends who can settle down in internet cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Hangzhou, the peace of mind and confidence of owning a house are priceless. It's fake to say I'm not envious.

So I can only live in a rental place. Recently, the lease is expiring, considering moving to a new place, afraid of forgetting the current thoughts, for the future to reminisce and laugh at myself now, I record it.

Group renting and shared renting#

When I first came to Beijing, I didn't directly come with good friends from the past to explore, I was alone and relied on myself, fortunately, the atmosphere of the first job was relaxed, colleagues were simple and kind, willing to be friends outside of work, like Xuge, Songduo helped me a lot. So when I first arrived in Beijing, I wasn't in a bad state of mind.

At first, it was group renting, then when I started making money, I switched to shared renting. There were second bedrooms in a three-bedroom apartment, partitions in a three-bedroom apartment, and second bedrooms in a four-bedroom apartment.

Whole renting#

After working, I met my wife and got married. Continuing the rental life in Beijing. I used to say that I didn't care, it was fine for me to continue group renting or shared renting, even sleeping in the office was okay.

But after falling in love and getting married, I realized that having a lover, family makes me more worthy of pursuing a better life. When it comes to renting, I considered whole renting for better personal space, privacy, and exclusive bathroom and toilet.

Fortunately, I have been living a simple work life in Beijing's south for many years, so the pressure of whole renting is not great. Over the years, I have always rented a whole place, under the guidance of the agent, directly signing contracts with the landlord.

Working in different companies, so I lived in a three-bedroom apartment in Fangshan, a two-bedroom apartment in Daxing's Xihongmen, and a one-bedroom apartment in Fengtai's Xingong.

Considering commuting, the reality of rent, step by step from the suburbs to the city center, the area is getting smaller, of course, the price is gradually increasing. There is no way, renting is too expensive.

Recently looking at houses#

Recently changed jobs, passed the probation period, worked for a while, the lease is about to expire, considering moving to a new place, further choosing based on commuting and rent.

WeChat remote house viewing, weekend offline house viewing, combining virtual and real, saw many houses, some of them are exquisite one-bedroom apartments, spacious studios, apartments, and wonderful old residential buildings, employee dormitories.

Also met busy real estate agents on weekends, contacting new clients, showing houses, negotiating between tenants and landlords.

Finally settled today, this time it's a one-bedroom apartment, the previous tenant is moving out soon, and we are seamlessly moving in. When viewing the house, the previous tenant lived a very happy life, with various posters on the wall, the kitchen still had dinner, through the window, you could see the big tree and greenery next to it, although it was cloudy and the light was not strong enough, the picture of future life has been vividly imagined.

Hope for a smooth future, to continue living well in my new place.

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